Daily Gemini Horoscope August 11 (11/08)


May 21 − Jun 21

Alias: Alias: The Twins

August 11


daily gemini horoscope:

summary gemini daily

Star 7/10

Are you simply responding to demands on your time and focusing effort on firefighting or keeping certain plates spinning or are you focusing your effort in ways that ensure youre making real, tangible progress? The sky implies you might need to be less responsive and more productive. Try to remove yourself from any rut that is hampering progress where youre keen to make it.


summary gemini tomorrow

Star 10/10

Think of Buzz Lightyear in the classic Toy Story films, and particularly, how unfaltering his belief was in his ability to fly. He believed he could fly and did a good job of convincing other toys of this, apart from Woody who pointed out that Buzz wasnt flying, he was falling with style. However, this didnt deter Buzz. Your confidence in and enthusiasm for something is justified. Dont let someone keen to burst your bubble be allowed to do so.


summary gemini weekly

Star 7/10

You might be heading straight into unexplored territory in some way and this is likely presenting you with a host of questions that might be difficult to answer. All you can do at this stage is offer your best guess. However, thats likely all that is needed. You dont have to cover every base or anticipate every possible outcome in ways you believe you do. This week, be willing to let a plan drift briefly rather than believe you must steer it constantly. Remove your oars from the water and see where you end up. Youll like it very much.


summary gemini monthly

Star 9/10

For many Geminis, a long, drawn-out legal saga or battle comes to a close this month. Other Geminis will be taking a significant step where studying or forming connections with individuals or organizations overseas are concerned. However, communication is prone to misunderstandings or misinterpretation during most of August, so ensure any dialogue - verbal, written or electronic - is conveyed with crystal clarity and understood by your recipients. At the end of August, it becomes clear how strong one idea or proposal is. Seize the chance to make it happen!


health gemini daily

Star 7/10

You really enjoy something that is presented with care and dedication. One reason you enjoy dining in fine restaurants is because of the artistry involved in the food presentation. You can try this at home! Colorful vegetables are a great way to start. There are several colors of squash, peppers, tomatoes, and beans. Try tantalizing your taste buds and your appreciation of careful preparation. As you also appreciate well-made tools, consider equiping your kitchen with the appropriate knives and cooking gear! Preparing your own meal can be pure pleasure.


health gemini tomorrow

Star 8/10

The planets are hinting at the idea of change. Know that unhealthy habits will not go away unless you do something to change them. The most important health habit for you is sleep. Sleep allows the organs to rest, cells to regenerate, and gives the conscious mind a break. Make quality sleep a priority. First, adore your bed! Make it your refuge of comfort. Spending money on a good bed or nice sheets and pillows is definitely allowed! Also, get enough exercise during the day so that you are tired at bedtime.


health gemini weekly

Star 10/10

The cosmos indicates that you should take extra care of your feet now. If they aren\t in the best condition, it\s time to give them some attention. Visit a podiatrist and get your feet tended to and any problems sorted out. Get a pedicure and have your nails trimmed and rough patches smoothed away. If you make this a regular habit, you\ll soon feel like you\re walking on air.


health gemini monthly

Star 8/10

You might benefit from calming meditation or a chance for quiet reflection over this month, as a lively focus could leave you feeling restless. Feeding your brain and nervous system with the right supplements, such as fish oil or magnesium, can help ease any stress and tension and enable you to cope better. However, there are other reasons why taking time out from the hustle and bustle of life can be good for you. This could be a very eventful few weeks, so you may find that strengthening your immune system by eating well and exercising will also be very beneficial.


love gemini daily

Star 10/10

There seems to be a lot of pushing and shoving around today, not only in your general environment, but also in your love life. Neither of you is in the mood to give an inch, even you, the master of compromise. However, the day\s planetary energy does indicate that you can both have the opportunity to do something pleasant together. Plan a common goal rather than fighting.


love gemini tomorrow

Star 9/10

With today\s interplay of celestial energies, you may need to find the distinction between passion and romance, as there is a big difference. In your close personal relationship one may seem to block out the other, but this doesn\t need to be the case. All you need to do is find the key that unlocks the different aspects of both you and your partner\s being, then use it accordingly.


love gemini weekly

Star 9/10

You arent the type who has to be in love with everyone you date, so why are you feeling so guilty at the start of the week? Examining feelings of remorse or shame can be enlightening. You have strong memories of an ex later in the week, but is it just a passing trip down memory lane or do you really and truly miss them? Perhaps the latter is true, but wanting them back in your life is another story altogether.


love gemini monthly

Star 7/10

Youre already an imaginative lover, but the creative boost you get from the Venus-Neptune trine on August 12 puts you over the top. Potential romantic partners are in for something special! Saturns retrograde cycle comes to a halt on August 25, which intensifies your focus when it comes to what you really want. You arent the most committed sign, but if theres ever a time you have settling down in mind, this is it. August 26 brings a conjunction between the Sun and Mercury, which could cause people to be poor listeners. You may have to share your thoughts again when your sweeties more focused.


career gemini daily

Star 8/10

You are an all-or-nothing person. Keep in mind that the rest of the world doesn\t necessarily operate in this extreme manner. Be patient with those who ride the fence and take the middle path. You both can learn from each other.


career gemini tomorrow

Star 7/10

The opposition you face has been scoring many points lately, and this is your day to retaliate with confidence. A tremendous wave of support is coming your way that will set the stage for your success. The tables have clearly turned in your favor.


career gemini weekly

Star 10/10

Confront any source of work stress before it triggers a personal or group-related breakdown. It\s especially important to balance work and break time. Overwork isn\t sustainable. You shouldn\t be afraid to take a holiday out of fear of losing your job. Do what you can to recognize people who are helping you achieve specific goals. If you\re in management, you can build morale by arranging opportunities to learn on the job.


career gemini monthly

Star 8/10

A legal matter will be decided favorably in early August, allowing you to move forward with a bold creative initiative. Dont waste valuable time questioning your luck on August 7. Instead, get to work turning a professional dream into reality. Getting paid to do something you love will be the answer to a prayer. Around August 21, youll get a glowing reference from an influential executive. Dont be shy about using this quote at the top of a press release or advertisement. When people know you have the trust and admiration of this prominent individual, they will take a chance on you.



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